Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hey Science Update

We've been recording. I would like to pose a public opinion poll.

1. Do you think that we will discover the higgs boson when they turn on CERN?

2. How do you feel about nanobots?

3. Will the cosmological constant be negative, positive or 0?

4. Will we discover a planet that is relatively earth like?

5. Will Mad Cow disease become a pandemic in the upcoming decades?

6. Do you think that there is a cure to cancer?

7. Do you think that consciousness has the ability to transmit through extra dimensions?

8. Who is your favorite band?

9. Are there things that quarks can be broken up into?

10. Has or does the Himalayan Yeti exist or existed?

11. Does pi have an ending?

12. What is your favorite number, excluding 5, 7, 11, and 19?

13. Will you see a tornado sometime soon?

14. Howz' bout Thundersnow?

15. Who's your favorite Scientist?


  1. 1. Possibly yes
    2. Nanobots are a reasonable scientific progression that I can most immediately see a benefit for the medical pioneers out there. My opinion of them may change once they try to take over my brain.
    3. I don't have the knowledge necessary to fully debate the merit of any of these answers. Positive, only for the reason that our expansion is accelerating.
    4. I have very optimistic belief that we will. A million monkeys on a million typewriters ... so the saying goes.
    5. No
    6. Absolutely. See 2nd question for possible answer.
    7. Does consciousness have the ability to travel through 1 dimension?
    8. waves
    9. Yes
    10. Yes
    11. This question popped into my head just last night and I don't believe it can ever end. Just like a circle has no lines.
    12. 0
    13. Yes
    14. Unfortunately no.
    15. NEWTON or Chandrasekhar

  2. 1. The real question is what happens if we dont find it.
    2. Nanobots, scary and useful
    3. I think that the cosmological constant will be positive.
    4. The question is when. not if.
    5. There is some evidence that alzheimer's could be mad cow disease. Denny Crane.
    6. I think that individual cancers will be found, but do not think a blanket cure exists.
    7. I think it does.
    8. lil' Wayne
    9. oooohh. I don't know, but fun to postulate.
    10. Hells yeah!
    11. no, indefinite.
    12. I like 3e8.
    13. yes, hopefully.
    14. This winter, doesn't seem likely.
    15. Tesla.

  3. 1. if they look fast enough.
    2. as long as nanobots don't have knives.
    3. i think the real question is whether the universe itself is unbounded and infinite, or bounded and infinite. i'm leaning toward bounded at the moment, but these things change.
    4. Probably not. it would be far too far away, and the odds against it existing are so small. we could make one easier.
    5. i hear as long as you don't eat brains, you're alright. something about the blood-brain barrier. unless it is seared, and served with caramelized onions and brie.
    6. we just need to stop our zany genes from mutating so...zanily.
    7. absolutely. we exist in all dimensions, whether we can recognize that or not. i think we need to consider our velocities in those dimensions, and especially our accelerations. if we live in an n-dimensioned universe (as i would conjecture, we do), then we experience an n-dimensioned reality. and as n approaches infinity, the possibilities tend to awesome.
    8. Crazy Horse
    9. yes
    10. if there is, and it eats a sherpa, can there be a god?
    11. i'm pretty sure it has been proven to be infinitely varied. you could make a sweet randomness algorithm with pi. and e.
    12. e. or i. and just about every prime, except 5, 7, 11, and 19.
    13. if i'm lucky.
    14. i made pot roast on monday. it was delicious.
    15. i really need to mull this one over. there are so many. maybe descartes, he was pretty great. oh, oh, neil degrasse tyson! no, wait! john travolta! yeah.

  4. in number four i intended to say "the odds against it existing are so huge", not so small. i got my shit all backwards and stuff and things.

  5. Scientologists DON'T count as Scientists. Period.
